Frequently Asked Questions:

We’ve put together answers to frequent questions we’re often asked by clients about our process. If you have further questions or need clarification on anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Based in St. Petersburg and working throughout the Tampa Bay area, we’re a perfect fit for nonprofit organizations and mission driven businesses looking to connect with their audience and leverage the power of video.

  • Determining a final cost for video depends on the scope of the project, the complexity of the creative approach, the number of film days, turnaround time, editing needs and several other variables. With a pre-determined budget we can easily create an outlined approach. Whether you have an allocated budget for a specific video project or you have a pre-determined quarterly or annual budget, knowing this in advance and prior to our initial meeting is helpful and highly preferred.

  • There are a number of creative and logistical factors that help determine the timeline for producing a video from development to final delivery, including but not limited to - time frame, scheduling, location scouting, coordination, filming, editing and our current workload. After deciding upon what type of video we will be creating and discussing some of the logistical and creative factors, we can typically give a range in time when we estimate the video will be finalized, but in general we like to allow up to 6 weeks to complete a project though of course, we’ve turned around video in shorter lengths of time, depending on the project scope.

  • There are three primary stages to making a video. Those are the pre-production, production and post-production phases. Once we have our initial meeting and have a better understanding of your business, budget and your need for video, we’ll put together our ideas and thoughts for video. During the pre-production phase, we’ll send you over those details to discuss and some dates for filming to choose from based on both team’s availability. The exciting part takes place during the production phase where the filming takes place. Finally, during post production, we’ll edit the footage and deliver your video via digital download for your review.

  • Every video shoot varies but once we’ve determined the creative and logistical details surrounding the project, we can send over an outlined schedule based on the availability of both parties.

  • We offer basic editing services for standard narrative projects. However, we do not specialize in creating or editing motion graphics or animation.

  • As a boutique, we do all of our editing in-house and so, depending on your need for editing, in many cases, we can help with this, keeping in mind that we do not specialize in motion graphics or animations. Depending on the editing requirements and the time-frame, we do work with and have sourced editors that may be able to assist with your project too. Contact us with some specifics for the project and we’ll be able to provide you an estimated quote.

  • Many times a client may not need all phases of production and that’s fine too. We’re able to focus on the phase of production you need for your project and can provide the professional equipment needed for filming and deliver it to you in a discussed time-frame.

  • We film on professional digital cinema cameras and use industry standard lighting and sound.

  • Typically we film at our client’s place of business or office. We do not house a studio, however we have sourced and work with a local studio in the Tampa Bay area for projects that call for a studio environment.

  • We supply our final videos in the most commonly used format .mp4. This file format is commonly used for online distribution.